National Curriculum
The National Curriculum is a framework used to ensure that teaching and learning is balanced and consistent in key stage 1 and key stage 2. It seeks to build on the foundation provided by the areas of learning in the Early Learning Goals.
In Early Years and key stage 1, phonics skills are developed through daily lessons, following the 'Bug Club Phonics’ programme and books are banded according to reading ability.
The National Curriculum sets out the subjects taught as well as the knowledge, skills and understanding required in each subject. It also provides standards or attainment targets in each subject and these are used by teachers to help measure your child's progress and plan the next steps in their learning. In accordance with the law, the school curriculum meets all the requirements of the National Curriculum, plus the requirements for Religious Education set out by the local authority.
Core Subjects
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computing :- Computing is taught as a discrete subject and is also used to support teaching and learning across the curriculum.
- Religious Education :- The requirements for Religious Education are laid down in a locally-agreed syllabus (Brent)
Foundation Subjects
- Art and Design
- Design and Technology
- Foreign Languages :- The school currently provides weekly Spanish lessons to pupils in Key Stage 2.
- Geography
- History
- Music :- Music is provided through Brent Music's Cool programme in Reception, KS1 and KS2
- PSHE :- incorporating Relationships and Health Education through the Jigsaw PSHE programme
- Physical Education