Policies & Documents
This Code of Practice has been prepared by the Education Department and in particular by the Departmental Health and Safety Officer and personnel from the Inspection, Advice and Training Services.
It contains the best practice for primary school curricular activities and has been devised with reference to documents produced by a number of Educational Curricular Advisory Bodies.
Child protection is used to describe a set of usually government-run services designed to protect children and young people who are underage and to encourage family stability. These typically include foster care, adoption services, services aimed at supporting at-risk families so they can remain intact, and investigation of alleged child abuse.
Digital Online Safety and Acceptable Use Policy
Computing and the use of digital devices is seen as an essential resource to support teachers and actual learning; as well as playing an important role in the everyday lives of children, young people and adults. The widespread availability and use of digital devices and social media applications brings opportunities to understand, engage, and communicate in new and exciting ways. It is important that we are able to use these technologies and services effectively and flexibly. However, it is also important to ensure that we balance this with our duties to our school, the community, our legal responsibilities and our reputation. For example, our use of social networking applications has implications for our duty to safeguard children and young people.
At Stonebridge School we aim to provide a safe peaceful, friendly and caring environment for every member of the school community. We also aim to create conditions for an orderly community in which effective learning can take place, in which there is mutual respect between all members, and where there is proper concern for the environment. We believe that every child should have his or her social, emotional and behavioural needs met. We also aim to ensure that all pupils are given the opportunity to be taught properly and be given the opportunity to succeed. Children need to be aware of moral issues such as right and wrong, fairness, tolerance. It is also important to remember that school is a corporate community where every child has the right to be safe and happy and, at the same time, has the responsibility to see that others in the school community are safe and happy too. Stone bridge School does not tolerate racism, sexism, homophobic behaviour or attitude or name-calling and discrimination of any sort is dealt with appropriately.
School Charging and Remissions
This charging and remissions policy complies with statutory requirements, has regard to the Authority's policy statements on charging and is reviewed on an annual basis. The School also adopts the DCSF Charging Guidance.
We understand the principle of the Act and the work needed to ensure that those with protected characteristics are not discriminated against and are given equality of opportunity. Therefore, The Stonebridge School will promote the rights of all individuals to respect and equality through its ethos, processes and curriculum. We will, on every occasion, oppose all forms of prejudice and support positive attitudes towards a multicultural society.
Stonebridge School provides an education for all, acknowledging that the society within which we live is enriched by ethnic diversity, culture and the faith of its citizens.
At Stonebridge School we aim to value the individuality of all of our children. We are committed to giving all our children every opportunity to achieve the highest of standards. We do this by taking account of pupils' varied experiences and needs.
Special Educational Needs (SEND)
At The Stonebridge the SEN Policy is one of Inclusion. We believe ‘Every Child Matters’, our aim is to personalise learning for all children. We strive to make our teaching more innovative and responsive to the diverse needs of every child, and to help each child including those with Special Educational Needs to achieve their full potential.
Stonebridge School is committed to the continued provision of a varied and engaging education in the event of full or partial school closure. This policy summarises how this provision will take place, so that there are consistent and well-understood expectations of the level of support that will be provided for all concerned.
Please Click here to download our Full Complaints Procedure file
Please click here to download the policy