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The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life

The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life

Empowering Learning Principles

Empowering Learning Principles (TRIERS)


  • To help share basic expectations with all staff who work with children and the children.
  • To provide a framework for pitching content of interventions to ‘unblock’ learning.
  • To help maintain a keen focus on those basics which most decisively influence children’s progress and outcomes.
  • To help teachers interweave basic skills through all areas of the curriculum, e.g. teach basic writing skills through work in history.
  • To ensure that teachers are clear about the basic skills which need to permeate all aspects of the classroom, i.e. to spread through language, modelling, interactions, display, etc.
  • To help teachers focus their time and energies on the ‘how’ more than the ‘what’ of learning and teaching.
  • To help school leaders check how ‘on-track’ children are to hit their aspirational targets.

TEAM WORKER – Autumn 2






Self Manager

Organise themselves and work out goals and priorities

Show personal responsibility, initiative, creativity and enterprise

Anticipate, take and manage risks

Commit themselves to learning and self-improvement

Respond positively to change

Effective Participators

Engage actively with issues that affect them and those around them.

Play a full part in the life of the school

Take responsible action to bring improvement for others as well as themselves

Discuss issues of concern, seeking resolution

Present a persuasive case for action

Propose practical ways forward

Try to influence others, negotiating and balancing diverse views

Resourceful Thinker

Think creatively by generating and exploring relevant ideas, and making original connections

Find links and see relationships

Explore & experiment with resources and materials

Ask ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘what if’ questions

Apply imaginative thinking to solve a problem

Try different ways to tackle a problem

Work with others to find imaginative solutions and outcomes that are of value

Reflective Learner

Evaluate their strengths and limitations as learners

Review their work and act on outcomes

Set themselves realistic goals and criteria for success

Monitor their own performance and progress

Invite feedback and deal positively with praise, setbacks & criticism.

Make changes to improve their learning

Communicate their learning in relevant ways to different audiences

Independent Enquirer

Gather, process and evaluate information in their investigations

Plan what to do and how to go about it

Draw conclusions and evaluate outcomes

Take informed and well-reasoned decisions, recognising that others have different beliefs and attitudes

Use range of techniques to collect and organise information

Team Worker

Work confidently with others, adapting to different contexts and taking responsibility for their own role

Listen and take account of others’ views

Form collaborative relationships, resolving issues and reaching agreed outcomes

Adapt behaviours to suit different roles and situations

Show fairness and consideration towards others