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The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life

The Stonebridge School

Learning for Life

Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage Framework

Our EYFS curriculum meets the requirements of the Statutory Early Years Framework and is planned using the Development Matters guidance to ensure we meet the needs of our children. The curriculum is underpinned through active play experiences that allow children to explore, play, and learn securely and safely both indoors and outdoors, that enables them to make sense of the world around them. Carefully planned continuous provision areas provide opportunities for children to take their learning and interests in their own direction.

Children have opportunities through their play to think creatively and critically alongside other children as well as on their own. They can practice skills, build upon and revisit prior learning and experiences at their own level and pace. Play gives our children the opportunity to pursue their own interests, inspire those around them and consolidate their understanding and skills. The children learn to adapt, negotiate, communicate, discuss, investigate, and ask questions. Our adults take an active role in child-initiated play through observing, modelling, facilitating, teaching, and extending play, skills, and language.

There are seven areas of ‘Learning and Development’ that must shape educational provision in all early years’ settings. All areas of Learning and Development are important and are inter-connected. Our children’s learning experiences enable them to develop competency and skill across these areas of learning. They require a balance of activities for children to develop effectively and to give them the best chance of obtaining a Good Level of Development at the end of their Reception Year.

Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive.

The three Prime areas are:

Communication and Language

  • Listening, Attention and Understanding
  • Speaking

Physical Development

  • Gross Motor Skills
  • Fine Motor Skills

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

  • Self-Regulation
  • Managing Self
  • Building Relationships

Staff will also focus on teaching the ‘essential skills and knowledge’ in the four specific areas, which will help children prepare for year 1. Through these, the three prime areas are strengthened and applied.


Specific Areas:

· Literacy

  • Comprehension
  • Word Reading
  • Writing

· Mathematics

  • Number
  • Numerical Patterns

· Understanding the World

  • Past and Present
  • People, Culture and Communities
  • The Natural World

· Expressive Arts and Design

  • Creating with Materials
  • Being Imaginative and Expressive



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